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World History is going to be moving to an online google classroom format.  I have created a class just for us, just for this time.  Please use the code below to get access to the course work that we'll be navigating together over this extended time.  You can expect one to two basic assignments per week, that will hopefully give all students an opportunity to have access to the course curriculum while we are away from Vista.  If at any time, parents or students have questions or are having issues getting access to the course materials online, please reach out to me via email.


Google Classroom Code: mhbebrc



The study of World History and Geography is a general introduction to the predominate civilizations that have shaped the world that we live in. The full year course will cover roughly from 10,000 BCE – to modern times. We will focus on several central themes as we investigate different civilizations and their interactions with their geographical surroundings. 

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